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Product List                                                                                           IRANIAN PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES DIRECTORY

         Type       Product         Dosage form     Strength  Indication                    Status

                                                             -Metastatic Breast Cancer
                                    Lyophilized powder
         Antineoplas- Paclinab (Albumin   (as nanoparticles)   100 mg  - Locally advanced or metastatic Non-  Marketed
                                                             Small Cell Lung Cancer
         tic agent  bound paclitaxel)  for suspension for
                                    infusion                 - Metastatic Adenocarcinoma of the
                                                             Hormone Receptor (HR) positive, hu-
                                                    75 mg,
         Antineoplas- Palbocap (Palbo-  Capsules, for oral   100 mg,   man epidermal growth factor receptor 2   Marketed
         tic agent  ciclib)         use                      (HER2)-negative advanced or metastatic
                                                    125 mg
                                                             breast cancer
         Chelating   SYPPER (Trientine   Capsule, for oral use 250 mg  Wilson’s disease     Marketed
         agent      HCl)
                                    Lyophilized Powder   100 mg/  HER2-positive, metastatic breast cancer  Registered with
         Antineoplas- PADYNEX (Trastu-  for concentrate for   vial, 160   adjuvant therapy for residual disease in  Limited distribu-
         tic agent  zumab Emtansine)
                                    solution for infusion mg/vial  HER2-positive early breast cancer  tion
                                                                                            Registered with
         Antineoplas- FOLYPRA (Pralatrex- Solution for intrave-  20 mg/ml  Relapsed or refractory peripheral T-cell   Limited distribu-
         tic agent  ate)            nous injection           lymphoma (PTCL)
                                    Lyophilized powder
         Opioid     EXOPIO (Naltrex-  (as microspheres)      - Treatment of alcohol dependence
         receptor   one extended-re-  for suspension   380 mg  - Prevention of relapse to opioid depen- Marketed
         antagonist  lease)         for intramuscular        dence
                                                             Treatment of coronavirus disease 2019
                                                             (COVID-19) in adults and adolescents
         Antiviral   Remdesivir-ND    Concentrate for   100   (12 years of age and older with body   Marketed
         Agent      (Remdesivir)    Solution for Infusion mg/20 mL  weight at least 40 kg) with pneumonia
                                                             requiring supplemental oxygen
         Corticoste-  DEPOSTIVA (Triam- Lyophilized powder,   32 mg/5   Management of osteoarthritis pain of   Marketed
                    cinolone acetonide  injectable suspen-
         roid                                       mL       the knee
                    extended-release)  sion
         Antihaemor- TPORAL (Eltrom-  F.C. Tablet, for oral   25 mg,  50   Thrombopoietin receptor agonist  Marketed
         rhagics    bopag olamine)  use             mg
                                    Lyophilized powder
         Antineoplas- Bortezomib-ND   for Solution for   1 mg,   3.5   Proteasome inhibitor  Marketed
         tic agent  (Bortezomib)                    mg
         Antineoplas-  Osimertinib- ND   F.C. Tablet, for oral   40 mg,  80   Tyrosine kinase inhibitor  Marketed
         tic agent                  use             mg
                    Pemetrexed-ND   Powder for Concen-
         -Antineo-  (Pemetrexed diso-  trate for Solution for   100 mg,   Inhibits thymidylate transferase and   Marketed
         plastic agent                              500 mg   other folate-dependent enzymes
                    dium)           Infusion
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