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Product List                                                                                           IRANIAN PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES DIRECTORY

            Brand Name         Generic Name        Dosage form       Packaging             Indication

                         Clindamycin 2%,                       40 g Tube With 7
          CLINDAZOLE®                            Vaginal Cream                      Antibiotic & Antifungal
                         Clotrimazole 2%                       Applicators
          CLO-GYN® 1%    Clotrimazole 1% & 2%    Vaginal Cream  50 g Tube with 1 & 7   Antifungal
          & 2%                                                 Applicator(s)
                                                 Vaginal Suppos-  7 Suppositories with
          CLO-GYN® 100   Clotrimazole 100 mg                                        Antifungal
                                                 itory         Applicator
                         Clotrimazole 1%,        Topical Cream &
          CLOTRISON®                                           30 g Tube & 30 ml Bottle  Corticosteroid & Antifungal
                         Betamethasone 0.05%     Lotion
                         Clotrimazole 1%, Hydrocorti-
          CORTIMOULD®                            Topical Cream  30 g Tube           Corticosteroid & Antifungal
                         sone 1%

          EPIVAL® 200    Sodium Valproate 200 mg  E.C. Tablet  50 Tablets           Anticonvulsant
                         Sodium Valproate 333 mg,
          EPIVAL® 500                            E.R. Tablet   30 Tablets           Anticonvulsant
                         Valproic Acid 145 mg
                         Isopropanol 44.7 g,
          HANDSEPT®      N. propanol 21.9 g,     Hand Sanitizer   500 ml Bottle     Disinfectant
                         Benzalkonium Cl 0.2 g
          METOGYL®       Metronidazole           Vaginal Gel   70 g Tube            Antibiotic
          0.75%                                                With 5 Applicators
                         Calcipotriol 0.005%,    Topical Gel &
          NAJO-BET®                                            40 g Bottle & 30 g Tube  Antipsoriatic (Topical)
                         Betamethasone 0.05%     Ointment
                         Lidocaine 2.5%,
          NAJO-CAINE P®                          Topical Cream  30 g Tube           Topical Anesthetic
                         Prilocaine 2.5%
                         Acetaminophen 500 mg,
          NAJOCOLD®      Diphenhydramine HCL 25 mg,   F.C. Tablet  30 Tablets       Analgesic-Antipyretic, Anti-
                                                                                    histamine, Decongestant
                         Phenylephrine HCL 5 mg
          NAJO-COLIT®    Mesalazine 500 mg       Rectal Suppos-  10 Suppositories   Intestinal Anti-inflammatory
          500                                    itory
                                                 Hand Sanitizer
          NAJOSEPT®      Ethanol 70%                           100 ml Bottle        Disinfectant
                         Dexpanthenol 5%,        Sterile Ophthal-                   Artificial Tears
          NAJO-TEARS®                                          10 g Tube
                         Carbomer 980 0.2%       mic Gel                            (Ophthalmic Lubricant)
                                                                you can find the rest of the product list on page 181
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