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Brand Name    Generic Name          Strength  Dosage form  Indication        Type   Status

                                                      Topical Oint-
         AFIROCIN® 2%  Mupirocin 2%          2%                   Antibiotic           RX    Available
                                                      Topical Oint-
         AFITETRIN® 3%  Tetracycline HCl 3%  3%                   Antibiotic           OTC   Available
                       Antihemorrhoid        0.257 g
                       Hydrocortisone 0.257 g   5 g   Rectal Oint-  Anti-inflammatory, Local
         AFIRECTIL®    Aluminum subacetate  3.5g   3.5 g   ment   anesthetivc, Treatment of   OTC  Available
                       Lidocaien 5g                               hemorrhid
                       Zinc Oxide 18g        18 g                                                              IRANIAN PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES DIRECTORY
         AFICAIEN®  2.5%  Lidocaien / Prilocaien   2.5% / 2.5% Topical Cream Anesthetic  OTC  Available
         / 2.5%        2.5% / 2.5%

                                                                  Anti-inflammatory, Antibac-
         SILBURN® 1%   Silver Sulfadiazine 1%  1%     Topical Cream                    OTC   Available
                                                                  terial Treatment of burn
                                                                  Scabicidal Agents;
         LICETHRIN®  2%  Permethrin 2%       2%       Topical Cream                    RX    Available
         AFITRIMAZOLE®    Clotrimazole 1%    1%       Topical Cream Antifungal         RX    Available

         AFIPLEX®  5%  Aciclovir 5%          5%       Topical Cream Antiviral          RX    Available

         AFITRIMAZOLE®   Clotrimazole 1%     1%       Vaginal Cream Antifungal         OTC   Available
         AFINDAMAYCIN®    Clindamycin phosphate 2%  2%  Vaginal Cream Antibiotic       RX    Available
         TRIPVAL®      Triple Sulfa          3.42%-               Antibacterial-Treatment of
         3.42%-2.86%-  3.42%-2.86%-3.7%      2.86%-3.7%  Vaginal Cream  vaginitis      RX    Available
         AFINDAMAYCIN®    Clindamycin phosphate 1%  1%  Topical Solu-  Antibiotic      RX    Available
         1%                                           tion

         AFITRIMAZOLE®   Clotrimazole 1%     1%       Topical Solu-  Antifungal        RX    Available
         1%                                           tion

         AFICLOBET®    Clobetasol 0.05%      0.05%    Topical Lotion  Anti-inflammatory cortico-  RX  Available
         0.05%                                                    steroid

         AFIBETHASONE®   Betamethasone 0.1%  0.1%     Topical Lotion  Anti-inflammatory, cortico-  RX  Available
         0.1%                                                     steroid

         AFICLOSONE®     Clothrimazole Betametha-
         1% / 0.05%    sone 1% /0.05%        1% / 0.05% Topical Lotion Antifungal, corticosteroid  RX  Available

         ACNEFIGHT_KIT®    Benzoyl Peroxide 5%  5%    Topical Gel  Antibacterial       RX    Available

         AFIROFEN® 5%  Ibuprofen 5%          5%       Topical Gel  NSAID               OTC   Available

         PIROGEL® 0.5%  Piroxicam 0.5%       0.5%     Topical Gel                      OTC   Available
         GELIROX®  1%  Diclofenac 1%         1%       Topical Gel                      OTC   Available
                                                                  Corticosteroids, Locally
         64µg/ dose    Budesonide 64µg/dose  64µg/dose Nasal Spray  Acting Intestinal Anti-in-  RX  Available
                                                                  flammatory Agents
                                                                you can find the rest of the product list on page 180
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