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        Product List

                                                   Nervous system

                                                                                                 Method of
         Product  Name        CAS No.        Indication                    Available forms  Status
                                                                                                 Analysis      IRANIAN PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES DIRECTORY
         Buprenorphine Hydro-  53152-21-9    Opioid addiction treatment    API powder   Available  BP

                                             Chronic, moderate to severe pain
         Morphine Sulphate    6211-15-0                                    API powder   Available  USP,BP
                                             Chronic, moderate to severe pain
         Morphine Hydrochloride  52-26-6                                   API powder   Available  BP,EP
         Hydrocodone bitartrate  34195-34-1  Moderate to severe pain management  API powder  Available  BP,EP

         Codeine Phosphate    41444-62-6     Mild to moderate pain management  API powder  Available  USP,BP

         Tramadol Hydrochloride  36282-47-0  Moderate to moderately severe pain   API powder  Available  USP,BP
         Thebaine             115-37-7       Intermediate                  powder       Available  In-House

         Noscapine Hydrochloride  912-60-7 |  Antitussive                  API powder   Available  BP

         Noscapine Base       128-62-1       Antitussive                   API powder   Available  JP
                                             Smooth muscle spasm and cerebral
         Papaverine Hydrochloride 61-25-6    and peripheral ischemia  associated   API powder  Available  USP,BP
                                             with arterial spasm treatment
         Dihydrocodeine Phos-  24204-13-5    Post-operative and dental pain man-  API powder  Available   BP
         phate                               agement                                    on order
                                             Cancer and post-operative pain man-        Available
         Oxycodone hydrochloride 124-90-3                                  API powder            USP
                                             agement                                    on order
                                        Drugs used in Addictive Disorders
                                             Opioid Antagonists
                                             Alcohol dependence and opioid addic-
         Naltrexone Hydrochloride 16676-29-2                               API powder   Available  USP
                                             tion management
                                             Alcohol dependence and opioid addic-
         Naltrexone Base      16590-41-3                                   API powder   Available  In-House
                                             tion management
                                             Reversal of opioid depression, includ-     Available
         Naloxone Hydrochloride  357-08-4                                  API powder            USP
                                             ing respiratory depression                 on order
         Methadone Hydrochlo-  1095-90-5     Severe pain management, Opioid   API powder  Available  USP,BP
         ride                                addiction treatment
                                        Other Analgesics and Antipyretics

                                                                           API powder            USP
         Paracetamol (Acetamin-  103-90-2    Analgesic and antipyretic     DC 96%       Available  In-House
         ophen)                                                            DC 90%                In-House
                                                                           Inj. grade            USP
                                             Treatment of pain, fever, inflamma-  API powder
         Aspirin (Acetyl Salicylic   50-78-2  tion, migraines, and reducing the   API crystal   Available  BP
         Acid)                               risk of major adverse cardiovascular   form
                                             events.                       Granules

                                                                you can find the rest of the product list on page 266
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