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Tasnim Pharma


                 Founded:                    20/7/1996

                                             Tasnim pharmaceutical co production site 3rd pajoohesh Ally, Amoozhesh st, ey-
                 Plant Location:             vanekey induatrial zone, After  Sharif Abad Police station, Tehran to Garmsar road,

                 Capital:                    370.200.000.000  R

                 Major shareholders:         Mr Abbas Movahednia

                 Employees:                  252

                 Company Profile :
                 The modern Tasnim pharmaceutical factory is able to produce a wide range of prescription and OTC (non-prescrip-
                 tion) drugs, vitamins and supplements. The company is actively expanding its portfolio of products. It has developed
                 its  under lisense pharmaceutical products inside the country and has expanded this portfolio with targeted produc-
                 tion strategies. Tasnim Pharmaceutical Company currently offers its products in more than 8000 pharmacies and 500
                 public and private hospitals. Due to the high quality of the Tasnim manufactured products of, Tasnim pharmaceutical
                 brands are now sold in three regional markets around Iran.
                 The medium-term strategy of Tasnim Pharmaceutical Company and considering that we are trying to reach the initial
                 sales goal of 100 million dollars, will place us among the leading manufacturers of the pharmaceutical industry in
                 Iran. Considering that we are changing our strategies based on future challenges, significant investments are being

                 Production line:
                 Production and packaging lines for general solids (tablets-capsules)
                 Production and packaging lines for high-risk soft gelatin

                 Premier Partners:
                 AB.Biotics - Probi - Apteka

                 Target Countries for Exports:
                 Syria, Russia, Iraq, Afghanistan

                 Contact details:
                 88174810-021   /  88174865  -021

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