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P. 98

Product List

          Type             Product            Dosage    Strength   Indication              Status

          non- steroidal   Ibuprofen          Tablet    400 mg     Anti-inflammatory  -    Under Production
           Anti -inflammato-                                       analgesic
          ry drug

          Oral supplement  Zinc sulfate       Tablet    22 mg      Zinc deficiency         Under Production
          Oral supplement  Calcium D           Tablet   500 ca.    Calcium and vit. D3 defi-  Under Production
                                                        600 IUD    ciency

          Anti colinergic  Hyoscine           Tablet    10 mg      antispasmodic           Under Production    IRANIAN PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES DIRECTORY

          Vitamins         B1                 Tablet    300 mg     vitamin B1 deficiency   Under Production

          Vitamins         B1                 Tablet    100 mg     Analgesic, Anti Fever, An-  Under Production

          Anti hyperglyce-  Metformin         Tablet    500 mg     Anti-diabetes           Under Production
          mic agent

          Anti hyperglyce-  Metformin ER      Tablet    500 mg     Anti-diabetes           Under Production
          mic agent

          Β-Blocker        Atenolol           Tablet    500 mg     Antihypertensive        Under Production
          Β-Blocker        Metoprolol         Tablet    23.75 mg   Anti hypertensive  and   Under Production
                           succinate ER                            cardiac diseases

          Β-Blocker        Metoprolol succi-  Tablet    47.5 mg    Anti hypertensive and   Under Production
                           nate ER                                 cardiac diseases

          Β-Blocker        Metoprolol succi-  Tablet    95mg       Anti hypertensive and    Under Production
                           nate ER                                 cardiac diseases

          desinfectant     Bibacter           gel       70%        Hand sanitizer          Under Production

          Antiseptic       Povidone Idoine    Solution  10%        Disinfectant            Under Production
          Antiseptic       Povidone Idain     Shampoo   7.5%       Disinfectant and anti-    Under Production

          Antifungal       sapo               Shampoo   2%         Antifungal              Under Production

          Anti dandruff    Selenium sulfide   Shampoo   2.5%       Anti-dandruff           Lack of  Produc-

          Anti-lice        permethrin         Shampoo   1%         Anti-lice               Under Production

          Kerateolytic     Sulfur             Soap      10%        Anti-kerateolytic –anti acne          Under Production

                           Bibacter           Pan       1%
          anti acne                                                Anti-acne, deodorant    Under Production
                           TCC                Soap      1%

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