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As  the  knowledge  in  the  world  of  high-tech  products  progresses,  Iran’s  pharmaceutical       IRANIAN PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES DIRECTORY
        industries are actively working on conventional medicines, biotech, and vaccines in more
        than 170 pharmaceutical factories, which are all operating within Iran.
        Besides the active pharmaceutical factories, a large number of pharmaceutical factories are
        establishing rapidly in industrial estates which significantly increases the share of private-
        sector factories in shaping the pharmaceutical industry.
        Despite  imposed  sanctions  on  Iran  during  the  past  four  decades,  having  benefited  the
        able and skillful hands and brains of its scientists, pharmaceutical industry has succeeded
        to  manage  and  stabilize  the  pharmaceutical  market  and  meet  the  needs  of  patients.

        Although we proved that the imposed sanctions did not impact the pharmaceutical industry,
        lack of effective communication between world banking system and Iranian counterparts
        made everything difficult to supply the medicine.

        In addition to the problems of medicine supply management in emergency situation of the
        country, the corona pandemic increased the responsibility of the pharmaceutical industry.
        Iranian pharmaceutical companies succeed to pass this hard test tactfully and by relying
        upon the ability of its local experts, they have been able to provide effective medicines for
        this infectious disease immediately after the last methods of treatment in global protocols.

        We are proud to say the Iranian pharmaceutical team by all industry actors such as pharmacists,
        chemists, engineers, etc. runs a pioneer industry.

        Iran Pharma’s target is to expand export markets for Iranian products and raise the trade
        balance with other countries within the next 5 years.
        This goal will be feasible in cooperation with the Food and Drug Administration of Iran and
        other organizations.

        Mohammad Abdeh Zadeh Pharm.D PhD
        Iranian Pharmaceutical Industries Syndicate
        Chairman of the Board

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