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Therapeutic Groups and Pharmaceuticals with Capacity for Exports:                                    IRANIAN PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES DIRECTORY

                                    Product Name                                 Pharmacology category
                            Atracurium as Besylate 50mg/5mL amp.            Antimyasthenic and Muscle Relaxants
                   BETASON® (Betamethasone as Disodium Phosphate 4mg/mL) amp.      Corticosteroids
             BETASON LA® (Betamethasone Acetate 3mg+Betamethasone as Disodium Phosphate   Corticosteroids
                                 3mg)/mL Parenteral susp.
            BEVICOM® (Vit.B1 10mg + Vit.B2 4mg + Vit.B6 4mg + Dexpanthenol 6mg + Nicotinamide
                                   40mg)/2mL amp.                                   Supplements
                     DALADIC® 300 (Clindamycin as Phosphate 300mg/2mL) amp.       Antibacterial Drugs
                  DEXADIC® (Dexamethasone as Disodium Phosphate 8mg/2mL) amp.      Corticosteroids
                          DITHRECOL® (Vitamin D3 300,000 U/mL) amp.                 Supplements
                          DOPADIC® (Dopamine HCl 200mg/5mL) amp.                  Cardiovascular Drugs
                     Enoxaparin Sodium 4000 anti-Xa IU/0.4 mL pre-filled syringe  Cardiovascular Drugs
                                Famotidine 20mg/2mL amp.                         Gastrointestinal Drugs
                             Fentanyl as Citrate 0.5mg/10mL amp.            Analgesics, Anti-inflammatory Drugs
                       GENTADIC® 20 (Gentamicin as Sulfate 20mg/2mL) amp.         Antibacterial Drugs
                       GENTADIC® 40 (Gentamicin as Sulfate 40mg/1mL) amp.         Antibacterial Drugs
                       GENTADIC® 80 (Gentamicin as Sulfate 80mg/2mL) amp.         Antibacterial Drugs
                            Haloperidol as Lactate 5mg/1mL amp.                      CNS Drugs
                                Heparin Sodium 5000U/1mL                          Cardiovascular Drugs
                      HISTADIC® (Chlorpheniramine Maleate 10mg/1mL) amp.            Antihistamines
                       HYOSIDIC® (Hyoscine-n-butyl Bromide 20mg/1mL) amp.        Gastrointestinal Drugs
                          INDIC® 50 (Indomethacin 50mg) Rectal supp.        Analgesics, Anti-inflammatory Drugs
                       IPOZINC® 25 % (Zinc Oxide 25% ) 30g Topical ointment      Dermatological Drugs
                         IPROID® (Antihemorrhoid)-15g Rectal ointment            Gastrointestinal Drugs
                            IPROID® (Antihemorrhoid) Rectal supp.                Gastrointestinal Drugs
                            Ketorolac Trometamol 30mg/1mL amp.              Analgesics, Anti-inflammatory Drugs
                                Lidocaine HCl 2%/5mL amp.                          Anesthetic Drugs
                         LOFEDIC® (Diclofenac Sodium 75mg/3mL) amp.         Analgesics, Anti-inflammatory Drugs
               NEUROTAMINE® (Vit.B1 100 mg + Vit.B6 100mg + Vit.B12 1000mcg)/3mL amp.  Supplements
                           NITRAL® 5 (Nitroglycerin 5mg/5mL) amp.                 Cardiovascular Drugs
                           NITRAL® 10 (Nitroglycerin 10mg/2mL) amp.               Cardiovascular Drugs
                                Ondansetron 8 (8mg/4mL)                          Gastrointestinal Drugs
                            OXYTIP® 10 (Oxytocin 10IU/1mL) amp.             Hypothalamic and Pituitary Hormones
                        PLADIC® (Metoclopramide as HCl 10mg/2mL) amp.            Gastrointestinal Drugs
                        RELAXIMOL® (Methocarbamol 1000mg/10mL) amp.         Antimyasthenic and Muscle Relaxants
                            ROCAMIX® (Piroxicam 20mg/1mL) amp.              Analgesics, Anti-inflammatory Drugs
                          ROSEMID® 20 (Furosemide 20mg/2mL) amp.                  Cardiovascular Drugs
                        VIBALMIN® 1000 (Vitamin B12 1000mcg/1mL) amp.               Supplements
                           VIBSIX® 100 (Vitamin B6 100mg/2mL) amp.                  Supplements
                           VIBSIX® 300 (Vitamin B6 300mg/3mL) amp.                  Supplements
                                Vitamin C 500mg/5mL amp.                            Supplements
                            ZEPADIC® (Diazepam 10mg/2mL) amp.                        CNS Drugs
                        ZODALEM® 15 (Midazolam as HCl 15mg/3mL) amp.                 CNS Drugs

          Target Countries For Export:
          Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Venezuela, Lebanon, Armenia, Oman, Uganda

                                                                you can find the rest of the product list on page 147
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