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Tasnim Pharma

                                             dosage form,
         Product    ingredient                              indication                      status
                                                            Supports immune system health in
         VITAMIN C   Vitamin C               50 Chewable    adults & children,Reduces the severity   Production in Tas-
                                                                                            nim Pharmaceuti-
         500 mg                              Tablets        and duration of common colds symp-  cal Company
                                                            toms,                                              IRANIAN PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES DIRECTORY
                                             60 Capsules Liquid
                                             Filled (box)/60
         VITAMIN D3   Vitamin D3             Capsules Liquid   helps to maintain bone health,improve   Production in Tas-
                                                            absorption of calcium and phosphate,-
                                                                                            nim Pharmaceuti-
         1000 IU                             Filled (box)/50   supports muscle strength     cal Company
                                             Capsules Liquid
                                             Filled (bottle)
                                                            Supports healthy cholesterol,Maintains   Production in Tas-
         VITAMIN E   Vitamin E               60 Capsules Liquid   healthy blood lipids, an antioxidant,Helps  nim Pharmaceuti-
         400 IU                              Filled (box)
                                                            protects cells from free radical damage  cal Company
         VITAMIN E   Vitamin E               50 Capsules Liquid   Supports healthy cholesterol,Maintains   Production in Tas-
                                                            healthy blood lipids, an antioxidant,Helps  nim Pharmaceuti-
         200 IU                              Filled (box)   protects cells from free radical damage  cal Company
                                                            Supports healthy cholesterol,Maintains   Production in Tas-
         VITAMIN E   Vitamin E               50 Capsules Liquid   healthy blood lipids, an antioxidant,Helps  nim Pharmaceuti-
         100 IU                              Filled (bottle)
                                                            protects cells from free radical damage  cal Company
                                                            Supports immune system health in
         VITAMIN C +   Vitamin C, Rose Hip   50 Tablets     adults & children,Reduces the severity   Production in Tas-
                                                                                            nim Pharmaceuti-
         ROSEHIP                                            and duration of common colds symp-  cal Company
         VITAMIN C +                                                                        Production in Tas-
         MAGMESI-   Vitamin C,Zinc, Magnesium,Se-  20 Effervescent   Supports healthy immune function and   nim Pharmaceuti-
         UM + ZINC+  lenium                  Tablets        general wellbeing               cal Company
                    Rosa canina,Salix alba,Lepto-           rich in natural antioxidants,protects cells  Production in Tas-
         Miele C    spermum scoparium,Ascorbic   20 Effervescent   from oxidative damage,anti-inflammato-  nim Pharmaceuti-
                    acid,Propolis                           ry & immunomodulatory activities.  cal Company
                                                            supports wound healing,helps support
                                                            healthy, supple, elastic skin,Supports the  Production in Tas-
                    Zinc,Vitamin A,Vitamin B6,Mag-
         Biozinc                             60 Tablets     production of healthy sperm and normal  nim Pharmaceuti-
                                                            healthy sperm count,Supports immunity   cal Company
                                                            and resistance
                    um,Iron,Chromium,Ni-                    provides internal defense against blem-
                    cotinamide,Vitamin                                                      Production in Tas-
         Aprenim    B6,C,E,A,B1,B7,L-Cysteine ,Ribo- 60 Tablets  ishes. Reduces breakouts by 55% in just   nim Pharmaceuti-
                                                            6 weeks. Prevents clogged pores to keep
                    flavin, Pantothenic Acid,Horstail       skin clear.                     cal Company
                    Shoot Extract,Grape Seed
                    Extract ,Burdock Root,Yellow
                    Dock Root Extract
                    nitine,Iron,Chromi-                     help balance blood sugar level,improve   Production in Tas-
         Diaker                              30 Tablets     pancreatin function,reduce Diabetes   nim Pharmaceuti-
                    B6,C,D3,E,A,Biotin ,Thia-               related complication            cal Company
                    mine,Pantothenic Acid,Io-

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