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Karen Pharma & Food Supplement Co.

         Type              Product, Dosage form, Strength                      Indication           Status

         Antihistamine (hista-  Loratadine 10 mg                               Relief of allergic rhinitis,   Active
         mine 1 antagonist)  Loratadine 10 mg                                  urticaria treatment

         CNS stimulant     Methylphenidate 10 mg                               ADHD treatment       Active     IRANIAN PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES DIRECTORY

         Water soluble vitamin Vitamin B2- 100 mg                              Dietary supplement   Active
                           FLOUZIREN  10 mg (FLUOXETINE)                       Treatment of major de-
         Antidepressant, SSRI                                                  pressive disorder, bulimia  Active
                           FLOUZIREN  20 mg (FLUOXETINE)                       nervosa
         Antidiabetic agent,   JANOREN (SITAGLIPTIN E) 50 mg
         DPP-4 inhibitor   JANOREN (SITAGLIPTIN E) 100 mg                      Diabetes mellitus type 2  Active
         Antipyretic and anal-
         gesic             ACETAMINOPHEN 500mg                                 Antipyretic and analgesic  Active

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