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Arnika Salamat


                 Founded:                    2009

                 HQ Office:                  Unit  13,  4th  floor,  Shahin  building,  North  Part  of  Atashneshani  Square,  Pajou-
                                             handeh st, Tehran, Iran

                 Plant Location:             NO,1202,3, second st, kazemi ave, second Phase, Shokouhie industrial zone. Qom,

                 Major Shareholder :         Dr.Mansouri & Dr.Ahmadi Ranjbar

                 Employees:                  60

                 Company Profile:
                 Arnika Salamat pharmaceutical company is one of the highly fast growing pharmaceutical companies with new pro-
                 duction lines.
                 This Company is establishing in 2010 and already developing insofar begins manufacturer drug production. This com-
                 pany is proposing with apperceive evidence Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) from Ministry of Health, Addition
                 this product and addition quality products. Senior management and experienced personnel are always available by
                 providing extensive support in the areas of new technologies, regulatory, novel drug delivery systems, R&D, QC and

                 Production Lines:
                 This company is manufacturing Suppository and Capsules, and may this product developed in future. Anyway Arnika
                 Salamat Pharmaceutical Co is not manufacturing any toxic or hazardous substances and drugs, for Example: Hor-
                 mones, Antibiotics, Cytostatic substance and etc.

                    • GMP standard certificate

                 Contact details:
                 NO,1202,3, second st, kazemi ave, second Phase, Shokouhie industrial zone. Qom, IRAN         496-25-3346121-24

                 Therapeutic Groups and Pharmaceuticals with Capacity for Exports:
                    • 1.  Diclofenac              NSAID - Analgesic
                    • 2.  Indomethacin                  NSAID - Analgesic
                    • 3.  Anti-hemorrhoid             Anti hemorrhoid
                    • 4.  Acetaminophen               NSAID - Non opioid
                    • 5.  Metronidazole                  Antibiotic
                    • 6.  Gastonika                          Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI)

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