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P. 168

Farabi Pharmaceutical Co.

            Drug   Product     Brand                   Dosage
           Group   Name        Name      Dosage        Form     Indications
                                         200 mg        Capsule
                                         400 mg
                                         200 mg                                                                IRANIAN PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES DIRECTORY
                                         400 mg                 Susceptible infections including gonorrhea, otitis
                   Cefixime    Farexim   100mg/5mg     Suspen-  media, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, lower respiratory tract
                                                                infections such as bronchitis, urinary tract infections,
              Cephalosporins             100mg /5mg    (100ml)
                                                                enteric fever and shigellosis.

                                         250mg         (50ml)   Bone and joint infections, otitis media, tonsillitis, phar-
                                         500mg                  yngitis, skin and skin structure infections, genitourinary
                   Cefalexin   Falexin
                                         125mg/ 5ml    Suspen-  and urinary tract infections and prophylaxis of bacterial
                                         250mg/5ml     sion
                                                                Upper respiratory tract infections (mild to moderate
                                         200mg                  severity), Lower respiratory tract infections (mild to
                                                                moderate severity), Skin/skin structure infections (mild
                                                       Tablet   to moderate severity), Pertussis (whooping cough),
                                                                Diphtheria, Erythrasma, Intestinal amebiasis, Pelvic
                   Erythromycin  -       400 mg                 inflammatory disease (PID), Conjunctivitis of newborn,
                                                                pneumonia of infancy, urogenital infections during Un-
                                                                complicated urethral, endocervical, or rectal infections
                                                                in adults, Primary syphilis, Legionnaire's disease, Rheu-
              Macrolids                  200mg/5ml     Suspen-  matic fever, Bacterial endocarditis, Listeria monocyto-
                                                                genes infections.
                                                                Pharyngitis/tonsillitis, acute maxillary sinusitis, acute
                                         250mg                  bacterial exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, pneumo-
                                                                nia, uncomplicated skin and skin structure infections,
                   Clarithromy-  -                     Tablet   prophylaxis and treatment of opportunistic mycobacte-
                                                                rial infections and leprosy. Clarithromycin may be given
                                         500mg                  to eradicate Helicobacter pylori in treatment regimns
                                                                for peptic ulcer disease.

                                         500mg                  Treatment of COPD, CAP (Community-acquired pneu-
              Macrolids  Azithromycin  -  250mg        Capsule  monia), genital ulcer disease, pharyngitis/tonsillitis,
                                                                uncomplicated skin/skin structure infections, urethritis/
                                         100mg/5ml     Suspen-  cervicitis and acute otitis media.
                                         200mg/5ml     sion
                                         250mg                  Acute sinusitis, lower respiratory tract infections, nos-
                   Quinolons   Ciprofar                         ocomial pneumonia, skin and skin structure infections,
              Quinolons                  500mg         Tablet   uncomplicated cystitis in females, chronic bacterial
                                                                bone/joint infections, urinary tract infections, acute
                                                                prostatitis, complicated intra-abdominal infections,
                                                                infectious diarrhea, typhoid fever, sexually transmitted
                                                                diseases and inhalational anthrax.

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