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Generic Name  Brand Name    Dosage Form          Packaging             Category
         Metoprolol    -             50 mg Tablet         Box of 10 Blisters of 10`s  Cardiovascular System Medicines
         Metronidazole  -            250 mg Tablet        Box of 10 Blisters of 10`s  Antibiotic

         Metronidazole  --           500 mg Tablet        Box of 10 Blisters of 10`s  Antibiotic
         Montelukast   Asmont®       10 mg Chewable tablets  Box of 3 Blisters of 10`s  Respiratory System  Medicines

         Montelukast   Asmont®       5 mg Chewable tablets  Box of 3 Blisters of 10`s  Respiratory System  Medicines
         Nitroglycerin  Dorocontin®  2/6 mg E.R.Tablet    Box of 10 Blisters of 10`s  Cardiovascular System Medicines

         Nitroglycerin  Dorocontin®  2/6 mg E.R.Tablet    Bottle of 50`s        Cardiovascular System Medicines IRANIAN PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES DIRECTORY
         Nitroglycerin  Dorocontin®  6/4 mg E.R.Tablet    Box of 10 Blisters of 10`s  Cardiovascular System Medicines

         Nitroglycerin  Dorocontin®  6/4 mg E.R.Tablet    Bottle of 50`s        Cardiovascular System Medicines
         Nitroglycerin*  _           0.4% Top.Ointment    Box of 30 Grams       Cardiovascular System Medicines

         Nitroglycerin*  _           2% Top.Ointment      Box of 30 Grams       Cardiovascular System Medicines
         Nitroglycerin*  Nitropuff®  400 mcg/dose Spray   100 Puffs             Cardiovascular System Medicines

         Omeprazole    _             20 mg Capsule        Box of 1 Bottle of 28`s  Gastro Intestinal Medicines
         dium Bicarbon-  _           20 mg Powder for Suspen-  Box of 10`s      Gastro Intestinal Medicines
                                     sion Sachet
         Omeprazole/So-              40 mg Powder for Suspen-
         dium Bicarbon-  _           sion Sachet          Box of 3 Blisters of 10`s  Gastro Intestinal Medicines
         Ondansetron   Demidor®      4 mg Tablet          Box of 2 Blisters of 20`s  Gastro Intestinal Medicines

         Pantoprazole  _             20 mg Capsule        Box of 2 Blisters of 14`s  Gastro Intestinal Medicines
         Pantoprazole  _             40 mg Capsule        Box of 2 Blisters of 14`s  Gastro Intestinal Medicines
         Pioglitazone  Diador®       15 mg Tablet         Box of 3 Blisters of 10`s  Blood Glucose Lowering Agents

         Pioglitazone  Diador®       30 mg Tablet         Box of 3 Blisters of 10`s  Blood Glucose Lowering Agents

         Propranolol   _             10 mg Tablet         Box of 10 Blisters of 10`s  Cardiovascular System Medicines
         Propranolol   _             20 mg Tablet         Box of 10 Blisters of 10`s  Cardiovascular System Medicines
         Propranolol   _             40 mg Tablet         Box of 10 Blisters of 10`s  Cardiovascular System Medicines

         Rosuvastatin  Rousana®      10 mg Tablet         Box of 3 Blisters of 10`s  Cardiovascular System Medicines
         Rosuvastatin  Rousana®      20 mg Tablet         Box of 3 Blisters of 10`s  Cardiovascular System Medicines

         Sertraline    _             50 mg Tablet         Box of 5 Blisters of 10`s  Nervous System  Medicines
         Sertraline    _             100 mg Tablet        Box of 5 Blisters of 10`s  Nervous System  Medicines
         Sevelamer Car-
         bonate        Renox®        800 mg Tablet        Bottle of 180`s       Urology Medicines
         Sildenafil Citrate  Vigrodit®  50 mg Tablet      Box of 1 Blister of 4`s  Urology Medicines
         Sildenafil Citrate  Vigrodit®  100 mg Tablet     Box of 1 Blister of 4`s  Urology Medicines

         Sildenafil Ci-  _           25 mg O.D.Tablet     Box of 1 Blisters of 4`s  Urology Medicines
         Sildenafil Ci-
         trate*        _             50 mg O.D.Tablet     Box of 1 Blisters of 4`s  Urology Medicines
         Tamsulosin    _             0.4 mg Capsule       Box of 3 Blisters of 10`s  Urology Medicines
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